What can non-woven fabrics make?
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(1) Medical and sanitary non-woven fabrics: surgical gowns, protective clothing, disinfection wraps, masks, diapers, civil wipes, wipes, wet face towels, magic towels, soft towel rolls, beauty products, sanitary napkins, sanitary care Pads and disposable sanitary cloths, etc.;

(2) Non-woven fabrics for home decoration: wall coverings, tablecloths, bed sheets, bedspreads, etc.;

(3) Non-woven fabrics for clothing: lining, fusible interlining, wadding, shaped cotton, various synthetic leather base fabrics, etc.;

(4) Industrial non-woven fabrics; filter materials, insulating materials, cement packaging bags, geotextiles, covering fabrics, etc.;

(5) Agricultural non-woven fabrics: crop protection cloth, seedling raising cloth, irrigation cloth, thermal insulation curtain, etc.;